Managed by the Ngiriambu Cooperative, the Kiri factory is found in the eastern part of Kirinyaga, near the Embu border. It is named after the nearby Kiri River, and processes cherries from approximately 950 smallholder farmers. In this region, farmers typically tend coffee gardens of less than a hectare each and grow SL28, SL34, and Batian varieties on clay loam soil. SL varietals are almost synonymous with Kenyan coffee - these trees are prized for their deep root structure enabling them to thrive even in the most arid areas.
Kenya has earned a reputation for scrupulous attention to detail when processing their best washed coffees. Handpicked cherries are delivered to the Kiri factory, where they are visually sorted and floated to remove any unripe cherries. They are then pulped and fermented overnight, before being washed again and meticulously dried on raised beds for 8-14 days.
Seasonal buying is about seeing coffee as a crop not a commodity, buying in harmony with the growing seasons to enjoy coffee at its best. This kind of buying has always been the backbone of our business and it’s something we’ve improved and refined every year.