Estrella Divina is a co-operative project between 27 smallholder farmers in the San Ignacio region of Peru. We’ve been buying Estrella Divina for many years and it’s a firm favourite here at the roastery. Compared to previous years, this season’s crop has arrived slightly earlier than expected and it’s tasting better than ever.
San Ignacio coffee growers work at very high altitudes, between 1600 and 2000 metres above sea level. The varieties that go into this community blend are Caturra, Catuai and Pache. Generally, a lot of the initial pulping and drying is done at the individual smallholder farms before the coffee is brought to the dry mill where it is sorted and graded, blended into quality grouped lots and generally readied for export.
Seasonal buying is about seeing coffee as a crop not a commodity, buying in harmony with the growing seasons to enjoy coffee at its best. This kind of buying has always been the backbone of our business and it’s something we’ve improved and refined every year.