Jaguara Benicio

Their son Benicio is the namesake of this sweet extended fermentation natural.


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Jaguara Benicio Jaguara Benicio

The 90 hectare Jaguara farm is owned and operated by Natália Brito & André Luíz Garcia, and is situated near São João del Rei. The high altitudes (for Brazil) and red/yellow volcanic soils provide ideal conditions for growing coffee. The couple exclusively utilise natural processing methods, but have recently been experimenting with the fermentation and drying procedures to produce their more experimental ‘concept’ coffees such as this one.

The Jaguara lots are well known for their complex, unique characteristics. André and Natália come from generations of coffee farmers, and the couple have a wealth of industry experience spanning producing, cupping, trading, agronomy and research. They are constantly working to further develop their farms and strive to produce the best coffee in the region. We have been working with Jaguara since our Sales Manager Ben visited the family at their farms to source Circles, one of our house espressos, two years ago. It is a total pleasure to offer another coffee from these amazing producers.

About this coffee

Watermelon, Star Anise, Chocolate
Cabo Verde
Extended Fermentation Natural
1040 masl

Seasonal buying is about seeing coffee as a crop not a commodity, buying in harmony with the growing seasons to enjoy coffee at its best. This kind of buying has always been the backbone of our business and it’s something we’ve improved and refined every year.

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